
Understanding the Hour of Destruction

I had raised the issue of properly understanding the event of the Hour or as-Saah as mentioned in the Quran. Amongst other paragraphs, I wrote in the Book:

If a Muslim does not understand the Qur’anic prophecy of Israel collapsing, then he would not understand the return of Nabi ‘Eisa alaihi salam and his roles in the End-times. Nor would the Muslim truly understand what is the Hour or as-Saah.

The event of as-Saah is beyond the year 2032 AD and only Allah knows when its time will be. As-Saah is the hour of destruction of the world as we know it and the end of the current human civilisation.

As-Saah is the hour of destruction that will kill most of mankind. And Allah knows better if all of mankind will actually perish as it is His prerogative. Whatever the case may be, humans will be around when as-Saah strikes.

Many civilisation-ending destructions have happened, so numerous that a pattern of cycles can be identified. Mankind i.e. Homo sapiens sapiens has a long history of at least 100,000 years ago, and if Homo sapiens idaltu is considered as mankind then it goes back to 160,000 years ago. Albeit, mankind has had a long history and has survived many major destructions.

The next hour of destruction is due soon according to Randall Carlson who has been studying catastrophes and its cycle extensively. In the 2021 video at 5:55 mark, he said, “We are already a couple of decades overdue for another Tunguska event”.

Below are two videos of Randall Carlson explaining the subject. My earlier posting, Planetary alignment and Earthquakes is related. The cycles of destruction are due to Earth’s movement in the cosmos. Celestial bodies swim in an orbit of their own (Qur’an, 36:40). After some specific intervals, some crash into Earth and others.  

“And what I’ve done here is I have developed a data set that shows the correlation. It certainly seems from a study of this graph that these intervals, these event nodes as I call them, the susceptibility of something happening goes up exponentially for a short period of time”, said Randall.

Source: Why is There NO Record of Ancient Humans? – Randall Carlson, After Skool YouTube channel, published 27 Nov 2019

Source: FINGERPRINTS of the COSMOS – Randall Carlson – A Fireside Talk, After Skool YouTube channel, published 8 Dec 2021


After End-times Then Next Comes

Source: Then Next Comes, exurb1a YouTube channel, published 12 August 2024.

The future painted in this video has entered my consciousness, and I now understand more the meaning of the Ayat 5:3 below. Watch this video for your own bliss.

Today, I have perfected your religion for you, and have completed My blessing upon you, and chosen Islam as Dīn (religion and a way of life) for you. But whoever is compelled by extreme hunger, having no inclination towards sin, then Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful (5:3).

In the Concluding remarks of the book, I wrote the following:

From our study, we know that the Hour will strike as follows: 1. After the Israeli empire has collapsed; 2. After the world and mankind have experienced prosperity like never before; 3. After Allah has taken the life of every Muslim by way of “a pleasant wind”; and 4. Upon “the wicked (who) would survive (the pleasant wind), who would commit adultery like asses”.

I had for a long while wondered why Allah had only perfected Islam for the believers some 1,400 years ago whereas mankind has been around since Adam, peace be upon him, the first Homo sapiens sapiens, at least 100,000 years ago. I was asking why wait so late to perfect. So, the reply to me is: It is not too late considering the true believers who will be swept away by the “pleasant wind” will have eternal life as pictured by the exurb1a video.

Again, I hope this booklet will guide readers to their destinies, insyallah.


Black Flag Army

In Chapter 9 of the Book I wrote: the black banners army from the east i.e. Khorasan area is NOT the Muslim army led by Imam Mahdi. For Muslims who are responding to the Prophet’s urging to join Imam Mahdi’s army, this must be done with proper knowledge and cannot be done in haste.

Below is an excerpt from a recent YouTube video, to introduce ISIS-Khorasan.

ISIS-K is a CIA/US initiative, without a doubt. The strategic scheming behind the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 is too compelling to leave it to chance, and we know that there is no such thing as coincidence. Also, the movement of the black banners army from the east i.e. Khorasan area is another event that shall come to pass soon, before Imam Mahdi’s baiah, I anticipate. So, Muslims do NOT join ISIS-K, please.

The full video below gives more details of the bigger geo-political picture.

Source: Why Afghanistan is Headed to War With ALL its Neighbors, RealLifeLore YouTube channel, published 21 June 2024.


The cries in Gaza

The perspective of this storyteller, Bilal Saraçoğlu is brilliant.

“Just as this kid’s cries brought the blessing of Allah forward, the acts of persecution result in bringing Allah’s wrath forward in the same way. So these cries of the kids in Gaza today, the cries of the children, the cries of the martyred people, will cause the wrath of Allah to come swiftly (to Israel). The more they oppress people, their calamity will find them more quickly and inshallah soon we will all see that Israelites and the state of Israel can no longer survive with the oppression they caused. As Allah said in the Holy Quran, He said that there was the first corruption and there was the second corruption and there is a third one. He said if you cause corruption again I’ll defeat you. There is Zionist corruption all over the world that the Israelites caused and innocent civilians of Gaza pay the ultimate price. And I hope and firmly believe that very soon a great calamity will fall upon the state of Israel and the state of Israel will collapse, and inshallah this will happen at the hands of the Muslims. May our Lord bestow us to see those days.”

In the Book I wrote, “I suspect Russia will not attack; the Muslim army will.”

Source: Famous Historian EXPOSES ISR*EL’S FACTS! | Isr*el’s Future In The Quran!, Eternal Passenger YouTube channel, published 26 May 2024


Rothschild banking cartel

In the Book, the Rothschild banking cartel had been mentioned twice, in chapters 3 and 13. Below is a short documentary about the Rothschild family dated 28 Feb 2024.

Some 1,400 years ago, Allah declared war upon the riba practitioners:

And if you do not (stop practising riba), then be warned of war (against you) from Allah and His messenger. And if you repent, then you have your principal. Wrong not, and you shall not be wronged. (Qur’an 2:279)

This war will continue until the riba practitioners are all defeated. His messengers wherever they may be now, indeed are resisting and enjoin others to resist from becoming agents and participants in riba practices. The Rothschild family has built its wealth on riba practices. The Deep State as defined in the book is an extension of the Satanic family empire. Their enterprise is nothing but corrupt and spreading fasad.

Thus, Allah and His messenger are basically at war with the Rothschild family and the Deep State group. The End-times battles that Imam Mahdi will wage is against these people, surely.

Who will win? The party of Allah will win, of course. This is pure faith.

Indeed, the ones who oppose Allāh and His Messenger, they will be much humbled.

Allāh has decreed, “I will surely overcome, I and My messengers.” Indeed, Allāh is Powerful and Exalted in Might.

You will not find a people who believe in Allāh and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allāh and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred. Those – He has decreed within their hearts faith and supported them with spirit from Him. And We will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they abide eternally. Allāh is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him – those are the party of Allāh. Unquestionably, the party of Allāh – they are the successful ones. (Qur’an, 58:20-22)

Below is Henry Makow’s comment on the video:—why-is-youtube-postin.html

When I clicked on this video, I did not expect to hear the truth: this depraved Satanist and his family have gripped humanity by the short hairs. Grace is a brilliant American woman who makes mind-blowing historical videos on her “really graceful” channel. The real question is, after suppressing the truth during the plandemic, why is YouTube now allowing it to be told?

Source: What the Media Won’t Tell You About LORD JACOB ROTHSCHILD, reallygraceful YouTube channel, published 28 Feb 2024


Planetary alignment and Earthquakes

Salam all. I watched these short videos that were published today 18/9/23:

Why did I watch? The first video is because I follow David DuByne closely, the second is YouTube’s suggestion based on its algorithm and the third is my own intuition. I do not claim to understand all details in the three videos, but they are related to: 1. Planetary cycles driving the End-times, and 2. Human efforts to understand cosmology i.e. the beginning of time and the development of the Universe.
The background to the three videos today is the 1996 video below; “Remembering the End of the World was the first documentary covering David Talbott’s labors to reconstruct celestial events in ancient times.” I first watched it maybe 5 years ago. If you are interested in these topics, kindly give me an email reply and maybe we can have a discussion. Tq

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The Hour will not be established until knowledge will be taken away, earthquakes will be very frequent, time will pass quickly, afflictions will appear, murders will increase, and money will overflow amongst you.” (



Pada 28/5/23 saya telah diberi peluang oleh Akademi Kajian Rantau Nusantara (AKAR) untuk membincangkan tajuk KEBANGKITAN AL MAHDI 2023.


The book in hardcopy is now available

1,000 copies of the book in English and Malay each have been printed. They are available for sale at