I had raised the issue of properly understanding the event of the Hour or as-Saah as mentioned in the Quran. Amongst other paragraphs, I wrote in the Book:
If a Muslim does not understand the Qur’anic prophecy of Israel collapsing, then he would not understand the return of Nabi ‘Eisa alaihi salam and his roles in the End-times. Nor would the Muslim truly understand what is the Hour or as-Saah.
The event of as-Saah is beyond the year 2032 AD and only Allah knows when its time will be. As-Saah is the hour of destruction of the world as we know it and the end of the current human civilisation.
As-Saah is the hour of destruction that will kill most of mankind. And Allah knows better if all of mankind will actually perish as it is His prerogative. Whatever the case may be, humans will be around when as-Saah strikes.
Many civilisation-ending destructions have happened, so numerous that a pattern of cycles can be identified. Mankind i.e. Homo sapiens sapiens has a long history of at least 100,000 years ago, and if Homo sapiens idaltu is considered as mankind then it goes back to 160,000 years ago. Albeit, mankind has had a long history and has survived many major destructions.
The next hour of destruction is due soon according to Randall Carlson who has been studying catastrophes and its cycle extensively. In the 2021 video at 5:55 mark, he said, “We are already a couple of decades overdue for another Tunguska event”.
Below are two videos of Randall Carlson explaining the subject. My earlier posting, Planetary alignment and Earthquakes is related. The cycles of destruction are due to Earth’s movement in the cosmos. Celestial bodies swim in an orbit of their own (Qur’an, 36:40). After some specific intervals, some crash into Earth and others.

“And what I’ve done here is I have developed a data set that shows the correlation. It certainly seems from a study of this graph that these intervals, these event nodes as I call them, the susceptibility of something happening goes up exponentially for a short period of time”, said Randall.
Source: Why is There NO Record of Ancient Humans? – Randall Carlson, After Skool YouTube channel, published 27 Nov 2019
Source: FINGERPRINTS of the COSMOS – Randall Carlson – A Fireside Talk, After Skool YouTube channel, published 8 Dec 2021