
Black Flag Army

In Chapter 9 of the Book I wrote: the black banners army from the east i.e. Khorasan area is NOT the Muslim army led by Imam Mahdi. For Muslims who are responding to the Prophet’s urging to join Imam Mahdi’s army, this must be done with proper knowledge and cannot be done in haste.

Below is an excerpt from a recent YouTube video, to introduce ISIS-Khorasan.

ISIS-K is a CIA/US initiative, without a doubt. The strategic scheming behind the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 is too compelling to leave it to chance, and we know that there is no such thing as coincidence. Also, the movement of the black banners army from the east i.e. Khorasan area is another event that shall come to pass soon, before Imam Mahdi’s baiah, I anticipate. So, Muslims do NOT join ISIS-K, please.

The full video below gives more details of the bigger geo-political picture.

Source: Why Afghanistan is Headed to War With ALL its Neighbors, RealLifeLore YouTube channel, published 21 June 2024.

By Mahadzir

I am not a scholar but an End-times analyst.
In 2011, I attended a seminar by Sheikh Imran Hosein at KGPA in Kuala Lumpur and my interest has grown. This year 2023 I am 58. I have worked for HeiTech Padu since 2009 and have a public profile on LinkedIn. Or search "mahadzir ahmad linkedin".